getting involved with amtcIf you can sing, dance, act, sew, saw or even just smile - we need you! Andover Musical Theatre Company is always looking for new members to join and welcome anyone who has an interest in theatre. No previous experience is required and you don’t need to read music. You just need to be enthusiastic and enjoy the experience.
becoming a member(For Starlights membership see HERE)
AMTC is made up of a diverse group of individuals with a common passion – musical theatre! Membership is available to anyone over the age of 16 and our members cover a broad age range and a variety of different professions. It is an excellent opportunity to meet new friends from a diverse array of backgrounds. Here are all the important things you need to know about becoming a member: Membership Auditions – In order to become a performing member of AMTC, you will need to pass a straight forward singing audition. The audition would not take place as soon as you walk through the door, but once you decide to become a member. We would always suggest that anyone considering joining comes along to a couple of rehearsals to meet us and see how we do things before making the commitment. However, should you decide to join, you would then have to audition. The membership audition involves singing some scales and one song of your choice. You will audition in front of the Musical Director and a member of the committee. The audition is used to establish that you have a suitable singing voice and which voice group you are most suited for. how much does it cost?In order to become a member of AMTC, you will need to pay our annual membership fee. Our fees break down as follows:
Annual Membership Fee (Adults) – £120 per annum (£10 per month) Annual Membership Fee (Concession*) – £60 per annum (£5 per month) *Concession fee is available to students (with a valid ID) and for people aged 65 and over. Please note that monthly instalments will only be accepted via standing order. Cash, cheques or individual transfers will not be accepted for monthly instalments. what else do I need to now?Putting On A Show
So, you joined an amazing group and have started to make new friends, what do you need to know about being involved in one of our productions? Show Introduction – Each new show starts with an introduction evening. This is usually the best time for any potential new members to come and meet us and get an idea of what we’re all about. The introduction evening is not about rehearsing but a chance for the Director and Musical Director to outline the show and provide some information about their ideas. You will usually get a chance to hear a few of the songs, go through the different parts that need to be cast and look at some sketches of what the set will look like. The Directors will also confirm the audition cuts so that you have what you need should you wish to audition for a character. There is also an opportunity to ask any questions you have and have a chat with a few of the members. Show Auditions – At the introduction evening, the date of the show auditions will be confirmed. These are the auditions to decide which member gets which part in the show. The auditions are usually held on a Sunday a couple of weeks after the introduction evening. In those two weeks, rehearsals are held, usually on a one to one basis, for anyone looking to practice the song/s they need to perform for the auditions. Auditioning for any principal character will usually require performance of at least one song and one section of dialogue. As mentioned above, the sections you need to perform for each character will be confirmed at the introduction evening and photocopies of the music and libretto will be provided. Small parts within the chorus may also require an audition piece. Should you wish to audition for any part, you will need to complete an audition slip, which will be handed out at the time. Our auditions are open, so people may come and watch, but the audience is not allowed to react or clap. The cast will be selected by a panel of five people: the Director, the Musical Director, a member of the committee, a member of AMTC and one independent person. Characters are auditioned one part at a time and anyone else auditioning for that particular part is asked to leave the room. If a section of dialogue used in an audition has lines by another character, these will be spoken by one of the readers. Should you wish, you can give them basic directions to ensure you can audition in the way you would like. Once all the parts have been auditioned, the panel will privately discuss who is cast in which part. The cast list will then be posted on our social media and calls made to those without access those sites. You do not need to be a paid up member to audition for one of our shows but a £5 fee is payable by any non-member before they can audition. Should you then decide to join and participate in the show, the £5 will be deducted from your membership fees. Rehearsals – Our rehearsals are held in Studio 1 at The Lights theatre in Andover. Details for The Lights can be found here. Our regular rehearsal times are Tuesday and Thursday evenings, from 7:30pm until 10:00pm. Most shows also include a number of Sunday rehearsals but details of these will be confirmed at the time. Members of the chorus will usually only be called to one rehearsal a week but anyone cast in a principal role may need to attend twice a week. A schedule will be provided by the director so that you know which rehearsals you will need to attend. The full cast will be expected to attend both rehearsals a month or so before the show. Rehearsals can be very intensive, spanning a 4-5 month time period and you will be expected to attend all relevant sessions. There is no specific dress code for rehearsals but it is usually best to wear something comfy with sensible shoes. It is also wise to always bring a notepad, pencil and rubber to rehearsals to ensure you can take notes and remind yourself of your moves when you practice at home. Show Week – Is the reason we are all prepared to put in months of hard work. We usually perform from Tuesday to Saturday of show week but you will need to be available from the weekend before until the following Sunday. The standard structure of show week is as follows: Saturday – Get In (Putting up the set) Sunday – Band Call & Technical Rehearsal Monday – Dress Rehearsal Tuesday – Performance/Second Dress Rehearsal Wednesday – Performance Thursday – Performance Friday – Performance Saturday – Performance (Sometimes 2 if we do a matinee) Sunday – Get Out (Clear away the set) Behind the Scenes Even if you don't wish to perform, there are plenty of roles behind the scenes. Some of the areas you can get involved with are:
You do not need to become a member in order to help us behind the scenes. Help in these areas is always greatly needed and appreciated. However, someone who is not a member does not have an official vote when it is necessary to seek membership authority during an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting. further informationFor further information please email our Membership Officer at [email protected]
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