HELLO theatre lovers!
If you've found this page, we're assuming that you recently came to see our production of Priscilla Queen of the Desert, and you're intrigued to find out what goes on backstage...
We're aware that our audience isn't always aware that we perform with a live band, as they are hidden away backstage, in the 'green room', with the sound feed connect to the theatre through the wizardry of wires and a mixing desk, located in the control booth at the back of the auditorium. From the green room, our Musical Director can see what's happening on stage via a big screen, and likewise, our cast on stage, can see the MD waving their arms around on a screen in the theatre (You can see it above the stairwell!)
The video below gives you a quick backstage tour at The Lights theatre, and we hope gives you a little insight in to the technical workings of our productions.
We're aware that our audience isn't always aware that we perform with a live band, as they are hidden away backstage, in the 'green room', with the sound feed connect to the theatre through the wizardry of wires and a mixing desk, located in the control booth at the back of the auditorium. From the green room, our Musical Director can see what's happening on stage via a big screen, and likewise, our cast on stage, can see the MD waving their arms around on a screen in the theatre (You can see it above the stairwell!)
The video below gives you a quick backstage tour at The Lights theatre, and we hope gives you a little insight in to the technical workings of our productions.
Here are some backstage videos from our past shows.
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